«Hei Oslo! Dette er en blidstang.Jeg vender denne blidstang motdeg, fordi jeg haper du har en findag! Og jeg haper alle folka sombor her har en fin dag! Og jeg haperalle nissene, landvettene og andreander som bor her har en ekstraspesielt fin dag, sa de kan hjelperesten av oss med […]
True Norwegian Rådhus Ragnarök
It turns out I achieved one of my very few life goals this summer by getting my sorry self published in the one and only Viking Magazine, which is unfamiliar to most people, but nonetheless exists—primarily as a benefit to members of the Sons of Norway fraternal organization here in […]
True Norwegian Tapestry Art
Hail to the Allfather of Norwegian Art Nouveau tapestries inspired by Norse history and Scandinavian folklore! Obviously, that can only mean one person: Gerhard Munthe, of course. A household name on par with Nils Blommér, Hans Gude, and Mårten Eskil Winge, så klart. Back in 1891 Munthe declared that the […]
The Great Norwegian Trolldomizer
Trolls are inspirational creatures. This is pretty much an established fact, at least among 19th century/very early 20th century Scandinavian artists. I’ve long known about the trolls and tomtar illustrated by the Swede John Bauer, who I hailed in the distant past for his more Norse-myth related work, but I […]
Gateways to Trolldom
For those who have ever wondered: “Why isn’t there a general interest book dedicated solely to the history of trolls, their various forms of misbehavior, and the human world’s changing perception towards them as documented through literature and art over the past 1000 years?” Well, wonder no more! Because back […]
True Corporate Black Metal
It’s 2017 now and there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world, which means it’s high time to address the crucial and critically important question: what would happen if you combined a corporate office environment with a diehard black metal dude? The topic is a mystery for the ages and […]